Ofsted Reports

We have made it four in a row after gaining another Outstanding rating in its latest Ofsted inspection. The latest review marks a period of 15 years over which we have held an Outstanding rating.

We were assessed across the categories of quality of education, behaviours and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and overall effectiveness.

Nursery Manager, Alison Bishop, who has led us through the last three Ofsted reviews, said: “We are absolutely delighted that we have once again been awarded ‘Outstanding’ in all areas across our provision, demonstrating how we have continued to reflect, develop and grow since our last inspection in 2022. It’s testament to the hard work, dedication and passion of the whole team that our continued commitment to excellence has been recognised. I am doubly proud of the team because, as everyone is aware, the last couple of years have by no means been typical. Despite additional challenges, the our team has continued to put our children at the heart of what we do, providing a stimulating, safe and nurturing environment for both children, families and our staff to grow and thrive

Read all our reports on the Ofsted web site