Learning through play

Preparing your child for life and their first steps to school

A fun place to be

We have a large enclosed garden with polytunnel and digging beds, a huge sandpit, play house and climbing frame, and even our own secure wooded area – complete with play kitchen and log seating.


Outside and in

We encourage children to spend as much time outside as in.

Our fully-sheltered sleeping cabana has mosquito nets and space for more than a dozen prams.


All ages

The nursery itself is divided into colourful spaces for separate age groups, each with its own name.

There's Ducklings, Caterpillars, Butterflies and Explorers.


Year-round care

We have room for up to 90 children. Attendance can be on a full-week or full-day basis. Children eligible for Early Years Funding can use either three hours in the morning or afternoon with us, or combine it with the full day option.
